Johnny Cash I see darkness

couverture de l'album Johnny Cash I see darkness

Éditeur : Abrams ComicArts

Scénario : Reinhard KleistDessin : Reinhard Kleist

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Le synopsis de l'album Johnny Cash I see darkness

The first and only illustrated biography of "The Man in Black", Johnny Cash, the most famous country singer of all time Cash was a 17-time Grammy winner who sold more than 90 million albums in his lifetime and became an icon of American music in the 20th century. Graphic novelist Reinhard Kleist depicts Johnny Cash’s eventful life from his early sessions with Elvis Presley (1956), through the concert in Folsom Prison (1968), his spectacular comeback in the 1990s, and the final years before his death on September 12, 2003. Already a bestseller and award-winner in Europe, Johnny Cash: I See a Darkness vividly portrays the unpredictable life of a loner, patriot, outlaw, and music rebel, making this unique biography a compelling read for multiple generations of graphic novel and music fans.

Détails de l'album Johnny Cash I see darkness


Type :

Bande dessinée

Éditeur :

Abrams ComicArts

Collection :


Nom de l'album :

Johnny Cash I see darkness

Numéro de tome :

Genres :

Thèmes :

Cycle :


Scénario :

Dessin :

Reinhard Kleist

Couleurs :

Traduction :


Format :

Nombre de pages :




Informations sur l'édition :

Édition originale

Détails de l'édition :

Date de parution :

Date de dépôt légal :

Octobre 2009

Prix public :

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