Tintin (En anglais) - T1 : In the land of he Soviet

couverture de l'album In the land of he Soviet

Série : Tintin (En anglais)Tome : 1/24Éditeur : Methuen

Scénario : HergéDessin : Hergé

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Le synopsis de l'album In the land of he Soviet

It is January 10, 1929, in Brussels. Accompanied by his dog Milou, a young reporter gets on the train to Moscow. For Tintin, this is the beginning of a great adventure. For Hergé, this is the real beginning of his career. The Adventures of Tintin, a reporter from the Little Twentieth in the land of the Soviets, was released as an album in 1930. This year marks the birth of a myth that is not about to die out, and the first signs of a disturbing confrontation between fiction and reality.

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