"I hope you enjoy Cul de Sac as much as I do. I think you're in for a real treat." --Bill Watterson, creator of Calvin and Hobbes, 2008 "One of the five best features in any newspaper, period." --The Comics Reporter "One of the few strips around where nearly every individual panel is stand-alone delight." --The Onion ..".it really seems like the inheritor of 'Calvin and Hobbes.'" --Art Spiegelman "I can't say enough in his favor, so much is my admiration for his work." --Pat Oliphant More than half of our nation's population resides in the 'burbs. Knowingly, Richard Thompson's Cul de Sac follows the antics of four-year-old Alice Otterloop as she navigates her way through life at Blisshaven Preschool, "the scene of [her] daily toil." Suburbanites across the nation will easily recognize the quirks and conundrums associated with house-lined streets, sidewalk canvases, and magnetified refrigerator art....

Cul De Sac (Ed. Andrews McMeel Publishing) - T1 : This Exit

Série : Cul De Sac (Ed. Andrews McMeel Publishing)Tome : 1/4Éditeur : Andrews McMeel Publishing
Scénario : Richard ThompsonDessin : Richard Thompson
Genres : Comics, Humour
Le synopsis du comics This Exit