Nick Cave Mercy on me

couverture de l'album Nick Cave Mercy on me

Éditeur : Self Made Hero

Scénario : Reinhard KleistDessin : Reinhard Kleist

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Le synopsis de l'album Nick Cave Mercy on me

Employing a cast of characters drawn from Cave's music and writing, Reinhard Kleist's graphic novel, Nick Cave: Mercy On Me, paints an expressive and enthralling portrait of a formidable artist and influencer. Kleist captures Cave's childhood in Australia; his early years fronting The Birthday Party; the sublime highs of his success with The Bad Seeds; and the struggles he encountered along the way to self-expression. Nick Cave: Mercy on Me, like Cave's songs, is by turns electrifying, sentimental, morbid and comic, but always engrossing.

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