Monograph by chris ware

couverture de l'album Monograph by chris ware

Éditeur : Rizzoli

Scénario : Chris WareDessin : Chris Ware

Prix : 35.00€

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Le synopsis de l'album Monograph by chris ware

For the first time in his career, Chris Ware presents a comprehensive, behind-the-scenes autobiographical visual monograph, and opens a revealing window into the worlds he inhabits. Similar to Chip Kidd Book One and Shepard Fairey Covert to Overt , this book serves as a personal chronicle of a contemporary iconic illustrator, and is a must-have for those interested in illustration, graphic novels, and pop culture. The first and much-anticipated monograph by multi-award-winning cartoonist and graphic novelist Chris Ware, chronicling his influential twenty-five-year career.

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