Mutts - T10 : Who let the cat out?

couverture de l'album Who let the cat out?

Série : MuttsTome : 10/11Éditeur : Andrews McMeel Publishing

Scénario : Patrick McDonnellDessin : Patrick McDonnell

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Le synopsis de l'album Who let the cat out?

MUTTS is impossibly large. Its subject is the world, all living beings in it, and their relationship with each other. . . . Its touch is incredibly light and gentle, which explains how it alights in your mind and rests there. . . . The way that McDonnell's stories oscillate between gentle comedy and understated pathos is the strip's greatest strength.""-Christopher Brayshaw, Vancouver Review Animal lovers everywhere adore Patrick McDonnell's charming but pointed MUTTS. The strip strikes a delicate balance between lighthearted fun and social commentary-on the human condition as well as the animal world. The deceptively simple comic follows the adventures of Earl the dog and Mooch the cat, an unlikely best-friend team, and Shtinky Puddin', Sourpuss, Guard Dog, and Crabby. Patrick's distinctive cartooning style effectively relays the all-too-real concerns of his characters with entertaining, clever, laugh-out-loud banter. Infodad.com describes MUTTS as...

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