Mutts - T8 : I want to be the kitty

couverture de l'album I want to be the kitty

Série : MuttsTome : 8/11Éditeur : Andrews McMeel Publishing

Scénario : Patrick McDonnellDessin : Patrick McDonnell

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Le synopsis de l'album I want to be the kitty

Few comic strips have hit the heart of the human-pet relationship the way MUTTS does. But it's the fact that the duo are everyday pets, with relationships to their owners that ring true, that makes MUTTS work. -Pet Life I Want to Be the Kitty marks the eighth collection of this award-winning strip and is the follow-up to the successful What Now. As usual, the lovable duo of Earl the dog and his feline friend Mooch can be counted on for charming adventures and out-loud laughs. The sweet and unique friendship of this special dog and kitty comes through in every strip. When Mooch decides one January morning he's going to hibernate by staying in bed all winter, Earl tries desperately to get him out of bed until he finds out himself how toashty it is, in the words of Mooch. Next thing you know, Mooch has a bedmate who announces I'll see ya in March. The two snore though hibernation together-that is, until they are called for dinner. With its expressive art and clever,...

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