The Word Explorer : Discovering Adjectives with the 'Inventive Squirrel'

couverture de l'album Discovering Adjectives with the 'Inventive Squirrel'

Série : The Word ExplorerÉditeur : Books on Demand

Scénario : Laura JoansenDessin : Laura Joansen

Collection : BOOKS ON DEMAND

Public : De 1 à 15 ans

Prix : 7.50€

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Le synopsis de l'album Discovering Adjectives with the 'Inventive Squirrel'

Alex is curious and asks lots of questions, about everything, all the time. Daddy loves to talk. He likes to feed Alex's curiosity and this eagerness to learn which is unique to childhood. During this fourth adventure, Alex and Daddy walk in the woods. Daddy reveals that his school friends gave him the nickname 'Inventive Squirrel'. Alex and Daddy play and imagine adjectives to describe the animals of the forest. The collection of Word Explorer picture books are a playful introduction to English grammar.

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